Monday, March 29, 2010
Such a big reader!
Ready for church!
What a great week!
This past week was awesome! I am talking about Aubrey and her naps! Usually when Aubrey is tired I take her into her room, turn on her music, rock her for a bit and then put her in her crib. She would then cry for sometimes 20 minutes before going to sleep, if at all. She would sometimes go down without any tears or not cry at all, but that was unusual. She would take about a 30-45 minute nap. Sometimes she would nap for an hour if I was lucky! I would see her wake up on the monitor and go and get her. Well last Wed. it all changed! It was like magic! When she got tired that morning I just put her in her crib, turned on her music and handed her her blanket. She has started holding it close to her face when she sleeps. It must be her comfort thing. It is so cute! I walked out of the room and looked at the monitor. She was kicking her legs and talking to herself. About 15 minutes later, without any tears, she was asleep. Yay! My friend Brady was over so when Aubrey started waking up about 45 minutes later I was not ready for her nap to be over. I wanted to visit longer. I went into her room. She smiled at me. I put her pacifier in her mouth and turned her music back on. I thought she would be crying seconds later. I went back in to the living room and looked at the monitor. She was again kicking her legs and talking to herself. Then like magic, about 10 minutes later, she was asleep again! She slept another hour and a half!!! What! Yay! I was shocked. I did the same thing later that day for her second nap and it worked again! She has been happy like that when we put her down at night too! What a good baby! This has gone on all week. Each time I think it is too good to be true, but she shows me! Aubrey has now been taking about a 2-2 1/2 hour nap in the morning and a 1-2 hour nap in the late afternoon. I hope it lasts a little while longer!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Aubrey's new tricks! 5 1/2 months old!
Aubrey is five and a half months old and is very busy! She can roll from her tummy to her back, is starting solid foods, and is talking all of the time! One of her favorite toys is this ring you can use to link toys to car seats, strollers, etc. She loves to chew on it. Lately she will take it and lay it on her face. She just leaves it there and smiles. She will do that with blankets too. We will play peek a boo for a few minutes and then when we are done she will take the blanket and put in over her face. She kicks her legs like crazy and is smiling when I take it off. She then puts it back over her face or waits for me to do it. So cute. She is also starting to mimic things we do. If we stick out our tongue she will do it too. She looks like a little lizard. We also started blowing her kisses and she is now trying to do that as well. She will put her lips together and then pop them open like a kiss. This morning I woke up to her talking to herself in her crib. I then heard a banging noise coming from her room. She was in there kicking her mirror that hangs on the side of her crib. She has the busiest feet!
First day of Spring!
Last weekend we had the first day of Spring and SNOW! It was crazy! Got to love the Oklahoma weather. My mom came up for the weekend to go to the Just Between Friends sale at the Fairgrounds. (We bought way too much! So fun!) It snowed all day Friday and into Sat. We had fun taking pictures of Aubrey out in the snow. She really seemed to like it. Hard to believe that we had a small blizzard in March! What a cute little snow bunny!
The JBF sale was a fun but crazy morning. Mom, Aubrey and I drove to the fairgrounds. Aubrey was happy and it seemed like she was going to let us shop for a while. We looked around for a few minutes and then headed over to the clothes. There was so much to look at. We picked out a few things and then Aubrey started getting fussy. I thought I would go ahead and give her a bottle and then we could shop a little longer. The only problem was that I forgot to fill up the bottle at home with warm water. Mom held her while I went to the bathroom to make her bottle. The water out of the sink was freezing! The concession stand was also closed! Aubrey was getting more upset by the minute. My mom then walked around the building looking for warm water, even asking people if they had any bottled water she could have. No one had any warm water! OMG! She came back and decided to use her ice water from breakfast. She filled the bottle and then stuck it in her bra to try to warm it up. Hey, you do what you have to sometimes! So funny! Aubrey would wait no longer so we made the bottle as is. She was not having it! So picky!!! Mom and I took turns quickly shopping and keeping Aubrey happy. My mom is such a great mom. We finally decided to just go. Thanks Aubrey! I took her outside and my mom paid out. I really did not even know what I had bought because we were in such a crazy baby frenzy at the end! My mom made it out to the car and we headed home. Aubrey was asleep before we left the parking lot! What! Could she not do that in her stroller at the sale?! Oh Aubrey! Mom and I were ready for a nap as well. Overall, we got lots of cute dresses and summer outfits for my sweet little diva! Next time she is so staying with daddy!
The JBF sale was a fun but crazy morning. Mom, Aubrey and I drove to the fairgrounds. Aubrey was happy and it seemed like she was going to let us shop for a while. We looked around for a few minutes and then headed over to the clothes. There was so much to look at. We picked out a few things and then Aubrey started getting fussy. I thought I would go ahead and give her a bottle and then we could shop a little longer. The only problem was that I forgot to fill up the bottle at home with warm water. Mom held her while I went to the bathroom to make her bottle. The water out of the sink was freezing! The concession stand was also closed! Aubrey was getting more upset by the minute. My mom then walked around the building looking for warm water, even asking people if they had any bottled water she could have. No one had any warm water! OMG! She came back and decided to use her ice water from breakfast. She filled the bottle and then stuck it in her bra to try to warm it up. Hey, you do what you have to sometimes! So funny! Aubrey would wait no longer so we made the bottle as is. She was not having it! So picky!!! Mom and I took turns quickly shopping and keeping Aubrey happy. My mom is such a great mom. We finally decided to just go. Thanks Aubrey! I took her outside and my mom paid out. I really did not even know what I had bought because we were in such a crazy baby frenzy at the end! My mom made it out to the car and we headed home. Aubrey was asleep before we left the parking lot! What! Could she not do that in her stroller at the sale?! Oh Aubrey! Mom and I were ready for a nap as well. Overall, we got lots of cute dresses and summer outfits for my sweet little diva! Next time she is so staying with daddy!
Time for cereal!
Last Thur. we decided it was time for Aubrey to start solid foods. Well, there is really nothing solid about them. We had so much fun! We got her all ready in her high chair. She had her bib on and seemed all ready to go. Just like everyone tells you though, more came out than went in. She dribbled and smiled the whole time. After a few messy tries she let us know she was done. We have been giving her a little cereal each evening for the last week. Aubrey is getting better each time. I also stopped breastfeeding this week. Aubrey got to where she would not nurse as well as she used to. I was kinda sad at first, just because it was the end of something we had shared for almost six months but I quickly got over it when I realized how free I was! Yay! Aubrey seems happier too and that's what's important! Love that little mess!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Vegas Baby!
Home sweet home! We are back from Las Vegas! We went over the weekend to attend my cousin Aspen's wedding. My mom, dad, sister, Aubrey and I flew out on Friday and got back yesterday! Trey did not get to go because he had to fly over the weekend. We sure did miss him. We had a good time though. I had been nervous about the trip with Aubrey for weeks. Everyone kept telling me that she would do great and she did great! I was so thankful for all of my family's help throughout the weekend. It really does take a village! I did not know how she would do on the three hour flight or how we would keep her on somewhat of a schedule with a two hour time difference. Oh, and a time change Sat. night. But like I said, Aubrey did awesome! I was able to nurse her to kill some time on the flight there and she slept a little. When she woke up, we tried to keep her entertained with toys. She got a little fussy so my dad walked with her in the back of the plane for about 20 min. until it was time to land. I was so thankful she did so well. When we got there we found our hotel, changed clothes and headed to the rehearsal dinner. It was a nice dinner and my cousin looked so happy. I had not seen her in a long time because they live so far away. Aubrey did good at the dinner but towards the end started to get a little fussy because it was her bed time when the dinner started. We kept busy walking her and keeping her happy until it was over. The next day we relaxed a little before the wedding that evening. God must have heard my prayers because Aubrey slept the entire wedding. Yay! I was so afraid she would get fussy and I would have to make a mad dash out of there so I would not ruin the wedding. She woke up just in time for the reception. The wedding started at five Vegas time. The reception started at 5:30 and went until around 10:00 there time, 12:00 our time. We had to leave early because Aubrey let us know that she was done for the night. She screamed the whole way back to the hotel. It was the longest ride ever. We hit every red light in Vegas! I was exhausted too. That was really the only crazy part of the weekend. Sun. we just hung out and ate lunch at a really nice resort then went to my cousins house to visit that evening. Mon. we got around and headed to the airport. The ride home was kinda crazy too. We took off 20 min. late and Aubrey wanted everyone to know she was ready to go home. She cried for several min. and would not nurse. We whipped out the bottle and she finally settled down. After she ate she crashed on my lap. Thank God, she slept the rest of the way home! We made it! I was worried for nothing! We had a good time and it was a good experience for me. Sure am glad we are home though!!!
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