Aubrey has been very busy the past two weeks. She can now get to a sitting position from her tummy all by herself, wave bye bye, copy my kiss noise, clap, and she is getting SO close to crawling! So talented! It is so cute to see her sitting up in her crib during a nap just looking around. I had to lower her crib mattress so she would not pull herself up and fall out. Such a big girl. I love the kiss noise she makes. Whenever I make the noise she copies me. Love it!
In the past month she has also started being more snuggly. When she is finished with her bottle and ready for her nap or bed she will turn to me and bury her head into my chest. I love to hold her for a few minutes before putting her down.
She is starting to understand some of our words too. I say bottle and she gets excited. Or I say, you want some food and she is ready to eat. Just like me! Loves to eat! We are not sure but we think her first word was Abby. I will say, Abby when Abby walks into the room and Aubrey will look at her and make the same noise. Sounds just like she is saying Abby! They are great friends already. Abby likes to lick Aubrey on the head resulting in one crazy hairdo.
Aubrey now has her two lower teeth which makes for one cute smile and has not been to fussy about teething yet. Fingers crossed that the other teeth make a smooth depute too!
Can't wait to see what's next!