O Monday morning we went to the hospital to meet our sweet baby. We were so excited to find out if we were having a boy or a girl! Trey and I got there at five in the morning ready for a 7 o'clock C-section. We have been so excited for months now and it has been fun to hear everyone's guesses about what we're having. Most thought we were having a boy for sure, myself included! Aubrey has been praying for a sister the whole time though! Her prayers were answered on November 17, 2014 at 7:33 in the morning. Our beautiful Addison Grace was born, perfect and healthy in every way!! She weighed 8 lbs. 2 oz. and was 19 inches long. It was such a sweet surprise and it was so exciting when Trey announced to me, it's a girl! I broke out in the happiest tears! She is so beautiful! We now have three precious gifts from God! My heart is full!! They took me out into the hall where our families were waiting and we got to tell them the good news. Trey announced, meet Addison Grace and everyone broke out in cheers! The smile on Aubrey's face was priceless! I said, meet your new sister!! She was overjoyed. Kaden didn't quite know what all the excitement was about but he was smiling too and tried to give me a bite of his muffin. Silly sweet boy! They took us to our room where we got some one-on-one time with Addison and I was able to feed her and snuggle her before everyone came back to see us. It was such a fun and neat surprise and I still can't believe we have another precious daughter! Aubrey and Addison will be best friends forever! And Kaden will keep them in line! We feel so blessed and honored that God chose us to be there parents! It is now Saturday and everyone is doing great. Praying Addison sleeps longer each night but I know that will take a while. We are in the exhausted stage of this journey but we know how fast it all passes and we are trying to soak it all up! I don't want to miss a thing or take anything for granted! Aubrey is a great big sister already and Kaden loves his Addison! We are now complete! What a wonderful Thanksgiving we will have this week as we have so many things to be thankful for! God is so good!