Thursday, January 14, 2010

Aubrey's first airplane ride!

Last week Trey, Aubrey and I were in Liberal for a Stelera launch. Trey flew his boss and several Stelera employees to Liberal for work. Aubrey and I usually don't tag along on work trips but since it was in Liberal we decided to go and be with daddy! We had so much fun. Trey's mom had a meet and greet party for Aubrey on Tuesday night. We got to see so many friends. My Mimi and Trey's Grandpa Kelly also got to meet Aubrey for the first time. I always love showing her off. We are very proud parents. We had a great week with Nanie and Grandpa Terry! On Friday we flew home. I was nervous at first about how Aubrey would do in the plane, but she did awesome. She slept the first half of the flight and sat on my lap the final part of the trip. She didn't even cry, which I was happy about because Trey's boss was on the plane! Aubrey even waited until we landed to have herself a big poopie! What a good baby!!! Aubrey makes one good co-pilot!

1 comment:

  1. yay I found your blog!! :) Hope you guys are having a great weekend! Thanks again for having us over on Wednesday!
