Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Kadens surgery.

Yesterday Kaden had to have a procedure called an Orcheoplexy done. One of his testicles didn't descend when he was developing. I was a nervous wreck because he had to be under anesthesia. I was also nervous because he couldn't eat or drink after midnight the night before. I was worried he would wake up hungry and be super cranky until our appointment at 9:30. I asked everyone to be praying for those two things. God is good! Everything went great! He slept well the night before and didn't cry once as we drove to the hospital, waited in the waiting room, got checked in, etc. He did so good! He was the cutest little patient. We thought his left testicle was non functioning, maybe twisted and would be removed but the doctors found and pulled down a healthy functioning one! Good news! Thank you Lord! Recovery was rough on Kaden as he came out of anesthesia. He was really tired and super cranky! We did our best to comfort him the rest of the day. Today he is still sleepy but much happier. So glad that's over with!

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